
HalfTime is a youth-centered and strength-based project

that targets racialized and Black youth ages 15-24

from the neighbourhood improvement areas of The East Mall/ The West Mall /Capri area, as well as the Rexdale/ Kingsway communities in Etobicoke.

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HalfTime is delivered in partnership with the East Mall Steering Committee, an initiative founded by Black Somali youth in response to an increase in gun violence-related incidents that have occurred in their housing complex since 2016.

Due to the recent surge in youth violence, HalfTime aims to tackle youth violence by engaging youth and their families to build youth resilience and self-esteem, while empowering them to make positive choices and increase their access to education and employment opportunities and promote good family support and healthy relationships.

Increase engagement of at-risk youth in activities that promote leadership, healthy lifestyles, and wellbeing.

Increase their work readiness and attendance in schools

Increase self-confidence as well as the ability to resolve conflicts and resist peer pressure for at-risk youth

Increase our understanding of the risks and consequences of youth violence & enhanced capacity for community engagement

Contact our team for more information

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