Youth Leadership Programs

Youth Drop-In

ACCT’s in-house youth program is built out of our Scarborough-based Youth Drop-In, a safe space where youth can be themselves. Co-created with youth living in refugee shelters, Drop-In is known as a “hang-out place” to youth in the area where they can build skills, access leadership opportunities, and develop a sense of belonging. In this space, we work with youth to lead their own sports peer mentorship programs; begin grassroots groups, and create opportunities for self-expression through culturally sensitive media art creation focused on belonging. Youth are able to earn volunteer hours during Drop-In by helping counsellors facilitate activities, participate in various initiatives, prepare snacks for the group, help with clean-up, etc.


Location & Time

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Time: 4:00 – 8:00 PM

Made by Me is a skills-building leadership program for newcomer youth where youth create and facilitate their own online group session with learning goals. Intended to help youth build public speaking and facilitation skills as well as promote social inclusion, our team works with youth to create impactful sessions that benefit the larger youth group.

Every session, a youth presenter facilitates on a topic of interest to newcomer youth. These sessions include fun icebreakers, educational content, activities, as well as a game of Kahoot based on the session with a gift card for the winner. Send us an email to join!

Thursdays at 4:00 PM

Are you a newcomer youth to Canada between the ages of 13-24 years?
Would you like to be a youth presenter for Made by Me?

Youth presenters receive a

Honorarium and volunteer hours for school.

Career Checkmate is a series of Q & A virtual sessions with young professionals. During the sessions, guest speakers discuss their educational experiences and career journeys and answer questions from youth participants.

Sessions are held on an as-needed basis, when youth request professionals in their careers of interest.