Settlement & Integration
If you’re a newcomer to Canada, the Settlement & Integration Services we provide at the ACCT are meant to help you access all the resources you need for a smooth transition. We help you access services and programs, provide referrals, hold group information sessions on a wide variety of essential topics, and offer one-on-one counseling. Whether you need help finding housing, employment, citizenship information, language classes, medical services, legal advice, emotional support, or anything else, we can help! We understand that adjusting to a new life in Canada can be very challenging on multiple levels. Every year, we help many families and individuals settle into their new environment and find new ways of fostering belonging and community.
Our services are open to newcomer permanent residents, convention refugees, and live-in caregivers alike. Once you meet with one of our settlement counsellors, we provide a custom settlement plan which caters to your unique circumstances and needs. If our staff cannot help you resolve an issue directly, we refer you to other specialized services that can. Our services are confidential, culturally sensitive, non-discriminatory, and free of charge.
Our settlement counsellors can connect you with resources on any of the following:
Immigration applications (i.e. citizenship, permanent residency, sponsorship, etc.)
Language classes
Computer literacy classes
Education (schools, colleges, universities)
Community Programs for children and adults
Income Support applications (i.e. Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Program)
Childcare and Family Services
Health and Medical Care (i.e. getting an OHIP card, or finding a family doctor)
Affordable housing
Legal services and referrals
Translation services
Income tax preparation
Information on Canadian values, culture, and history
Much more: just ask!
Pour des services d’établissement en français et/ou la formation linguistique en français, veuillez contacter :
If you wish to access French language training and/or French settlement services, please contact:
Languages spoken: